
Equal employment opportunity act 1984
Equal employment opportunity act 1984

equal employment opportunity act 1984

The Equal Opportunity Act 1984 applies only in certain areas of public life. It also applies to anyone who has made a complaint, or appears as a witness, under the Act.

equal employment opportunity act 1984

Victimisation - includes threatening, harassing or punishing a person in any way because they have objected about the discriminatory manner in which they have been treated. Spent conviction – having a spent conviction under the Spent Convictions Act 1988. Other types of discrimination under the Act *The Act may also apply to a relative or a person who has a close relationship to a person affected by these grounds. Sexual orientation – actual or assumed heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality *.Sexual harassment – offensive or insulting comment or other behaviour sexual in nature.Religious conviction – including a lack of conviction.Racial harassment– offensive or insulting comments or other behaviour racial in nature.Race – including colour, ethnicity or national origin or descent *.Pregnancy– pregnancy, characteristics associated with pregnancy or imputed pregnancy.Political conviction – including a lack of conviction.Marital status – being single, married, de facto, separated, divorced or widowed.Impairment – having a physical, intellectual or mental disability current, past or imputed *.

equal employment opportunity act 1984

Gender history – reassigned gender as certified by the Gender Reassignment Act 200.Fines enforcement registrar's website – publication of relevant details.Family status – being a relative of a particular person or having the status of relative.Family responsibility – having a caring role.Breastfeeding – feeding a child by breast or bottle.The Equal Opportunity Act 1984 sets out the grounds, or types of discrimination which are unlawful and the places where they apply. It doesn't matter what sex, race or age a person is, their marital status, pregnancy, family status or family responsibility, the religious or political beliefs they hold, if they have spent convictions, their sexual orientation, gender history or if they have a disability - they have the right to an equal opportunity. Facilities, fleet and equipment management.Building, utilities and essential services.

Equal employment opportunity act 1984