
Small black and yellow songbird
Small black and yellow songbird

Its habitat is in mature coniferous and mixed woodlands especially with extensive understory. It has yellow breast, bold black flank streaks, white wing bars and olive-green back. Setophaga Townsendi is a small songbird of warbler family. Diet consists of insects, frogs, birds, snakes and small lizards. It is a shy bird and often found alone or in pairs. It is endemic to South Africa and commonly found in open habitats like Highveld koppies and semi-dessert scrub.

small black and yellow songbird small black and yellow songbird

It has a short strong bill and a thin yellow eyebrow. Scientifically known as Telophorus Zeulonus is a brilliant yellow, black, green and grey shrike. It feed on spiders and insects with the foraging technique called hawking. It is commonly found in eastern US especially in wooden swaps. Its habitat is understory shrubs either in mature deciduous forests or smaller forest patches. It prefers to remain in understory flitting between shrubs to pick insects from foliage. Male shave a bright yellow face with a black hood and throat while females have yellow face and throat with olive crown and back. Setophaga Citrinia is its scientific name and it is a small, well-proportioned, heavy-bodied and thick-necked birds. The feed includes small fruits, spiders and small insects. It is a social bird and often travel in flocks mixed with other specie as well. It has a thick black bill and both gender are much alike. It has olive upper parts and yellow under parts with the blackish cheeks and head, whitish throat and eyebrow. Sooty-Capped Bush-TanagerĪlso known as the “Chlorospingus Pileatus”, this is a small, tanager-like sparrow commonly found in highlands of Costa Rica and Western Panama. It is famous for its “gapping” feeding in which it dugs a hole in the ground to get underground bugs and insects. It feeds on seeds, berries but the main feed is insects. Breeding bird has bright yellow underparts with a black “V” band on the chest while in the case of a non-breading bird it is heavily streaked above, pale yellow underparts and faint brown “V” band on the chest. It is a chunky, short-tailed that is stiff and spikey, wings short and rounded, a flat head bird with the long slender bill and round-shouldered poster. It is famous for its buoyant, flute-like melody. Scientifically known as “Sturnella Neglacta” is a medium-sized (length about 8.5 inches) icterid bird and is considered one of the most abundant grassland birds. Its habitat is thickets near streams and mountain meadows. It is insectivorous and spend most of its time picking insects from foliage. It has beady black eye with small, thin bill, rounded body and large head compared to the body size. It has a bright yellow body below and yellowish olive above with the black crown on head. Scientifically known as “Cardellina Pusilla” is one of the smallest New World warblers. In case of dietary habits, this specie is insectivorous as it prefers to feed on arthropods. Its natural habitat includes tropical and sub-tropical moist lowland forests. The male has a dull yellow head and underneath tail is black and white body while in case of female, it exhibits more grey brown head and yellow belly.

small black and yellow songbird

It is a medium-sized bird with the length of about 25-31cm. “Harpactes Oreskios” is a colorful sedentary species of lowlands and forests of Southeast Asia, Java and Southern China. Diet consists of seeds, fruits like critters and small insects. It is a noisy bird and mostly travels in a group of 6 to 30.

small black and yellow songbird

Both genders exhibit more or less same color combination except the throat color the female has yellow color while the male possesses red-orange throats. It is a tiny bird with a length of about 6.1 – 6.7 inches and famous for its silver patches around its ears along with that it exhibits yellow feathers, a blackhead, a grey tail and a bright red wing patch. It is an attractive small babbler with a distinct combination of stunning colors and mostly kept at cages. It is a bird from Southeast Asia with the scientific name of “Leiothrix Argentauris”.

Small black and yellow songbird